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Hisna Quran Rainbow

Hisna Quran Rainbow

Purple Hisna Quran Rainbow 

 Quran Rainbow Hisna 

Hadir dengan penampilan eksklusif. Sangat cocok sebagai Mahar/Seserahan. Karena ukurannya yang besar (A5) dan bahan cover yang tampak luxurydengan bahan-bahan unggulan (Bludru + Renda + katun jepang). Disamping itu banyak keunggulan dari Quran Rainbow Hisna.
Red Hisna Quran Rainbow 

  • Ukuran 14×21 cm (A5)
  • Bahan Cover : Bludru halus (Suede) + Renda + Katun Jepang
Keunggulan Al-Quran  Rainbow Hisna :
  1. Khat rasm utsmani standar Depag RI
  2. Terjemah Depag
  3. Panduan tajwid (full colour)
  4. Do’a sujud tilawah
  5. Do’a khatam Qur’an
  6. Asbabun Nuzul
  7. Fadhilah Ayat
  8. Pedoman Tanda Baca
  9. Hadits tentang wanita dan keluarga
  10. Ringkasan fiqh praktis wanita
  11. Blok warna untuk hafalan
  12. Cara praktis menghafal Quran
  13. Cara menggabung muraja’ah dan menambah hafalan baru
  14. BONUS gantungan cantik

Rainbow Hisna Quran comes with an exclusive appearance. It is suitable as a the Mahar / wedding gift. Because of its large size (A5) and cover material that appears luxurydengan seed materials (Velvet + Lace + cotton japan). Besides the many advantages of the Quran Rainbow Hisna.

Size 14 × 21 cm (A5)

Cover Material: Velvet smooth (Suede) + Lace + Cotton Japan
Excellence of the Quran Rainbow Hisna:
Khat Rasm Ottoman MORA standard RI
Translations MORA
Free Tajweed (full color)
Benediction prostration recitations
Benediction khatam Quran
Asbabun Nuzul
Paragraph Overdust
Punctuation Guidelines
Hadith about women and family
Summary of practical jurisprudence women
Block colors for rote
Practical way to memorize the Quran
How to merge muraja'ah and add new rote
BONUS beautiful hanger
Orange Hisna Quran Rainbow 

Green Hisna Quran Rainbow 

Blue Hisna Quran Rainbow 


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